life and death of the nazarene. when you read the book out on september 24th you will be amazed as the detail. o reilly, now that you have exceeded obama in arrogance as well as your giggling ego-dance with miller, i can stand you no more. your boorishness is just too much. mr. o reilly, you are one of the most honest people i have seen. the good you do oh for america is unmatched. thanks for allowing me to end the mail segment on a good note. finally the tip of the day. as you may know my book killing kennedy has been a best selling for a year. the national geographic channel has announced that the movie killing kennedy will be shown sunday, november 10. here is a short preview.
just got back from a family vacation in the rockies. his grandson was reading kennedy s last days, sister was reading killing kennedy and i was reading keep it pithy. the elk were just grazing. i have several friends who hate christianity so much they deny jesus existed. i wonder whether killing jesus will clear it up. first of all you need new friends. stupid is as stupid does. killing jesus documents the life and death of the nazarene. when you read the book out on september 24th you will be amazed as the detail. o reilly, now that you have exceeded obama in arrogance as well as your giggling ego-dance with miller, i can stand you no more. your boorishness is just too much. mr. o reilly, you are one of the
just got back from a family vacation in the rockies. his grandson was reading kennedy s last days, sister was reading killing kennedy and i was reading keep it pithy. the elk were just grazing. i have several friends who hate christianity so much they deny jesus existed. i wonder whether killing jesus will clear it up. first of all you need new friends. stupid is as stupid does. killing jesus documents the life and death of the nazarene. when you read the book out on september 24th you will be amazed as the detail. o reilly, now that you have exceeded obama in arrogance as well as your giggling ego-dance with miller, i can stand you no more. your boorishness is just too much. mr. o reilly, you are one of the most honest people i have seen.