Dr. Seuss, the pen name of Theodore Geisel, was a writer and illustrator of 40 children's books. His writings have become required reading for anyone who
Now National MP for Taranaki-King Country Barbara Kuriger has come out in defence of the author, asking Facebook users to: release the grudge, the hate, the rue, and embrace the hope of Cindy Lou.
Kuriger says she copied the poem from a friend. The post beginning with: Alas they ve come for Dr Seuss, they wish to hang him with a noose. They claim his tales were racist bent, they judged him fast, missed what he meant.
The post then goes on to name some of the author s famous titles, none of which are going out of publication, and the important lessons to be learnt from them.
Step 3: Also on Tuesday, Dr. Seuss Enterprises announces its decision onto cease publication of six particular titles, including “If I Ran the Zoo” and “Scrambled Eggs Super.”
Step 4: Dr. Seuss leads the national trends on Twitter, and the prices on eBay and Amazon of used copies of the dropped Dr. Seuss books go through the roof.
Yes, a pre-owned hardcover volume of “And to Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street” was priced at $20,000 on eBay by midafternoon Tuesday. Another seller hoped to fetch $10,000 for the same book, Meanwhile, a used copy of “Scrambled Eggs Super” was going for $5,000, according to a brief examination of the offerings by Inside the Beltway.
Six Dr Seuss books pulled from publication over racist imagery Newshub 3/03/2021
Whether it s those
Star-Bellied Sneetches, The Lorax, or Sam I Am, everyone has a much-loved Dr Suess story.
But six of the author/illustrator s books are being stopped from any further publication because of concerns over their racist imagery .
The announcement came on the late author s birthday and includes the books;
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, If I Ran the Zoo, McElligot s Pool, On Beyond Zebra! Scrambled Eggs Super! and The Cat’s Quizzer.
Six Dr Seuss books pulled from publication over racist imagery