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LAS CRUCES - A new food, energy and water nexus program launched by the Center of Excellence in Sustainable Food and Agricultural Systems at New Mexico State University’s College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences will bring together researchers from across the NMSU campus to find solutions to problems found across the state.
The nexus will unite faculty with different expertise from four colleges –ACES, Engineering, Business and Arts and Sciences. CESFAS is a hub of transdisciplinary and collaborative research that facilitates and develops sustainable food and value-added agricultural business.
Efren Delgado, co-director of CESFAS and associate professor of food science and technology, leads the nexus program with help from Jay Lillywhite, co-director of CESFAS and professor of agribusiness management and marketing. Natalie Goldberg, a former co-director of CESFAS, started the nexus project in the summer of 2020.