brianna, how many people are on the benefits right now? and my guess is the number of people who need them or could be running out of them will simply continue to grow? well, that s the expectation, at least, for i would say, another week here, tony. but let s just break it down. because it s been weeks now that congress has been unable to extend these unemployment benefits. so what you had since really the impasse over extending them, which was at the end of may, you ve seen 2.1 million people who have been affected, who have seen their unemployment benefits just end. and they re going without that assistance. if this were to continue, through this month, through july, you d be looking at 3.2 million people who would be affected by the end of the month. now, what normally happens in a rough economy like this, tony, is congress will extend unemployment benefits. but what you have this year, is sort of a new tension going on. over deficit spending. you know, a lot of americans are con
spend a lot of money, and it depends on what your perspective is. if you re a fan of the yankees, you loved george steinbrenner because you knew every year he was going to spend the money to give your team a chance to win. tom verducci of sports illustrated talking to us about the life and legacy of george steinbrenner. thank you. thank you. billions pledged to haiti. most of it hasn t made it there. josh is following that story for us. which countries have pulled through so far? i m going to have that for you. , d ssiliefoow rsretsvethg. , rsmos fwa ft. e w twk. on fm ri,
each day. and tony, along with it, what you re seeing is great strategies. like someone who went in for an interview, and just started doing the job. we have this other guy who i think is brilliant. sent out 1,500 resumes. got no responses at all. then got the idea of sending coffee cups by fedex to the heads of the banks. he got instant notification by text when they signed for it. boom. he called them, said, will you have coffee with me. within a matter of weeks, got six different offers from banks. what we re seeing are people who are clever. one other thing that may make you feel happy. i talked to an expert a few months ago. she told me she s an economist. she said now is the time to be your own boss. look back on history, a lot of the great companies that still exist today are started by individuals during recessions who had no jobs. so a little bit of hope out there for people in that situation. you certainly have to
much about winning, that it cut both ways. obviously, it helped get him suspended from baseball on two separate occasions. he did run through managers. and almost comic fashion. but at the same time, he has all the rings to show for it. . the championships. i think it s the fact that he really did spend a lot of money. it depends on what your perspective is. if you are a fan of the yankees, you loved george steinbrenner because you knew every year, he was going to spend money to give your team a chance to win. an iranian nuclear scientist takes diplomatic cover in washington, as you ll find out the u.s. and iranian government have very different explanations for his actions. ! - good stuff for bettering stuff! guys? the best stuff on earth just got better. - good stuff, craig. - we re dating. [ announcer ] snapple. the best stuff on earth just got better. [ but aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours. and aleve was proven to work better on pain
priority. these have a huge impact on the day-to-day lives of so many americans for those not getting paid. it s devastating. from jack, first things first, pay cuts. congress is clearly overpaid. tony, we ve read through hundreds and hundreds of what we re getting. it s frustration. that the government has responsibility to do more to build these jobs. let s keep this conversation going. i love it. i love that you re responding to all of this. and, josh, the other thing that you ve been doing for you you ve been following some winning strategies for people who are find something success, of finding a job? yeah, let me get some tools right here. first of all, i want to encourage you to go to there s a lot of great stuff to take a look at there. you have a map here, for example, depend on what your industry is and what kind of work you want to do. you can find guides where you want to be in the united states. you click on industry. what industry you want to work in. sa