/PRNewswire/ Matson Money, a U.S.-based wealth management firm, today announced its strategic alignment with Canadian advisory firm Origin Wealth to provide.
Market sentiment is a strong driver of market price and direction. The market is approaching a major crossroad, which will resolve with a 500+ point move. Read more here.
This study is inspired by the motivation to investigate the theoretical relevance of dividend policy, firm size and share price of top businesses at Bursa Malaysia. Within the bird-in-hand theory on dividend and market share profitability hypothesis, this research adopts the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) as an estimating model exploiting yearly data from 2015 through 2020. The empirical results from GMM clearly show that dividend per share (DPS) and size (as proxied by sales) do influence the performance (as proxied by closing share price) of the selected companies across the different sectors. As such, the dividend hypothesis and size are relevant in explaining changes in share values. Although DPS is our control variable, size does have a significant positive impact on a firm's success. However, the lag-closing price variable demonstrates otherwise. In a nutshell, the empirical evidence from this study reveals a breach of the Efficient Market Hypothesis which suggests that