of her former self. and marietta crabtree read a staement from her husband who died in 2014. his statement read i believe dr. fata knowingly and purposely treated me for the wrong cancer the i am in hospice it is my dying wish that dr. fata be imprisoned for the rest of his life. for his part fata did not acknowledge the patients who gathered at the court. many are dealing with a number of ailments as a result of his malpractice. soberet wanted to face the man who left him with no teeth and questionable future after chemotherapy and radiation he did not need. but facing him in court did not bring him peace. i shouldn t have looked at him. he just gets me so upset. now just seeing him today made me sick. reporter: anderson. fata did get his chance to address the court. he cried. he beg ford mercy. telling the court he was ashamed for what he did. he apollogized to his patients
jeff, i wonder when we look at this doctor who, as joey says, was treating these people not as patien patients, but as profit centers, what do we understand about this man and the way he was dealing with people s lives? not take the hippocratic oath as something was his doctrine which is what we teach all of our medical students and, of course, future doctors. and certainly this blatant disregard for his patients health and even their lives. these type of actions are absolutely not tolerated and why this person will be punished to the full extent of the law. we have a doctrine which says that the patient is number one and certainly that did not happen here. in this case, his own profits and his own greed were number one. jeff, i wonder when we hear the description of dr. fata
than 500 victims. prosecutors say fata falsely diagnosed his victims with cancer or misdiagnosed them many given unnecessary chemotherapy or other toxic treatments all prosecutors say in the name of greed. fata pleaded guilty to 13 counts of health care fraud, two counts of money laundering and what federal prosecutors call one of the worst cases of medical malpractice in u.s. history. they say fata defrauded insurance companies out of millions of dollars, by falsely diagnosing or grossly overtreating his patients. he tortured them till they took their last breath. reporter: dozens of patients or relatives of the patients face fata in federal court for his sentencing. they came here to court to read victim impact stachltstements. one emotional story after another. maggie dorsey told the court after chemotherapy treatments she did not need she is a shadow
dysplastic syndrome terminal cancer of the blood. reporter: terminal he did say? hester s story is similar to dozens of patients who prosecutors say fata told they too had cancer and needed immediate treatment. people like robert who fata falsely diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer in 2010. your mouth drops. your heart sinks. reporter: imagine one moment not knowing how long you will live then after years of chemotherapy or other toxic treatments finding out your doctor lied. you never had cancer at all. what i want to do to him right now, i couldn t repeat what i want to do. just unbelievable. reporter: you were under treatment for three under dr. fata. three years. yes. reporter: three years later you find out. it s a lie. it s all a lie. reporter: relieved at learning they did not had cancer turned to rage for hundreds of former patients of dr. fata like hester and soberet, two of more
never bring complete closure. can t bring any of them back. you can t heal the hurt. reporter: so where do these men and women go from here? they re still trying to figure that out. hopefully move on somewhat or try to now. it s been a very long road. and a very hard journey for all of us. reporter: fata will next have a restitution hearing. he s on the hook for 17 million in fraud. he also has the right to appeal today s sentence. thanks so much to jonathan carl sohn with wxyz our affiliate. checking stories right now, florida state running back dalvin cook was suspended indefinitelily after being charged with misdemeanor battery for allegedly punching a woman in a face outside a tallahassee bar last month. he is denying the allegation. it s the second battery charge against an fsu player in the past several days. quarterback de andre johnson was dismissed from the team and