Huzurabad BJP MLA Etela Rajendar rubbished the allegations of land encroachment by his family owned Jamuna Hatcheries at Atchampet and Hakimpet villages of Masaipet Mandal in Medak district as false. Addressing the media on the sidelines of a BJP training session conducted on Monday, BJP MLA Etela Rajendar said that he is ready to face any punishment if officials prove that
Hyderabad: Etela Rajender, a BJP politician and member of the Legislative Assembly from Huzurabad, remarked that if the governing Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) intends to utilise its authority to win elections, people would vote for the Bharatiya Janata Party out of morality and justice.
The former TRS leader's victory for BJP highlights the brewing discontent against KCR's style of leadership and allegations that he suppresses dissent within his party.