the responsible use of that piece of equipment. and that s what s critical to me. i shoot all the time, and i m always trying to shoot better than i did last week. it s relaxing. you re out with friends. it s fun. there s a dark little genie in all of us, i think, that wants to pick up a gun, point it at something, and blast away. this is a new springfield arm 9-millimeter with a 19-round clip. you know the reasons i like guns. i don t own a gun, but i like holding them. i like shooting them. a glock .22. it s chambered in a .40-caliber. there is something compelling, an erie rush, an unholy sense of empowerment feeling the warm glow of these heavy iconic shapes in your hands. get off my lawn, you kids. that s a .357 magnum. it s an eight-shot revolver. bigger kick on this guy. a little bit. you just can t help silently
no kidding. thank you, tony. this is excellent. i m wondering, you guys have been here for so long, your family. could you live anywhere else? not me. no, not me. this is home. i always get called back here. i visited paris and lived in l.a. for a while. you know, paris is pretty great. it s pretty great. but it s not here. dan, i m curious to know why you chose here. why you came here initially. it s open space. because i had grown up in a circumstance where you couldn t see 50 feet. i mean, the forest was so dense. i used to climb up into the top of a tree on the highest hill just to be able to see over the forest. so there was something about the idea of being able to see the landscape that really compelled me. the big empty makes a real deep, deep sense to a certain type of person.
here a matanza. man: one, two, three, up, up. anthony: it s pretty much an old-school version of a barbeque, in the sense that it involves burying a giant pig and the imbibing of much alcohol. about 20 minutes from the nearest paved road is a place called dead horse ranch. the people who helped us make the show, their families, friends, and no shortage of local new mexican characters, have gathered to partake in the festivities. there is beer here, plenty of it, local and delicious, and abundant. did i say that? man: tony, you need another drink? anthony: there are very tasty and lethal, as it turns out, margaritas. and i believe, and to the best of my recollection, anyway, that i soon made the classic error of moving from margaritas to actual shots of straight tequila. it does make it easier to meet new people. now let me ask you, why is it that any time an alien visits like, america man: yeah.
we done good, gentlemen. no kidding. thank you, tony. this is excellent. i m wondering, you guys have been here for so long, your family. could you live anywhere else? not me. no, not me. this is home. i always get called back here. i visited paris and lived in l.a. for a while. you know, paris is pretty great. it s pretty great. but it s not here. dan, i m curious to know why you chose here. why you came here initially. it s open space. because i had grown up in a circumstance where you couldn t see 50 feet. i mean, the forest was so dense. i used to climb up into the top of a tree on the highest hill just to be able to see over the forest. so there was something about the idea of being able to see the landscape that really compelled me. the big empty makes a real deep, deep sense to a certain type of person.
wasn t a toy. it was a weapon. and i was very well-educated by my father on the responsible use of that piece of equipment. and that s what is critical to me. i shoot all the time, and i m always trying to shoot better than i did last week. it s relaxing. you re out with friends. it s fun. there s a dark little genie in all of us, i think, that wants to pick up a gun, point it at something, and blast away. this is a new springfield arm 9-millimeter with a 19-round clip. you know the reasons i like guns. i don t own a gun, but i like holding them. i like shooting them. a glock .22. it s chambered in a .40-caliber. there is something compelling, an erie rush, an unholy sense of empowerment feeling the warm glow of these heavy iconic shapes in your hands. get off my lawn, you kids.