The show is witnessing a lot of major events happening. The show will witness Ram’s real mother and brother entering his life. The show is also going to witness a major time leap after which Hiten Tejwani will replace Nakuul Mehta. |
'Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2' actress Reena Agarwal, who is playing the role of Vedia in the show, reveals about the upcoming track and how her character is going to create differences between the leads of the daily soap. |
Abhinav is currently paired opposite Alefia Kapadia in the show who portrays the role of Sara Sood. Well, Abhinav is being loved by the viewers for his amazing performance in the show. |
'Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2' actress Shubhaavi Choksey talks about the upcoming sequence and how her on-screen character Nandini is going to introduce some interesting twists in the story. |