What To Know Ahead Of Falmouth Road Race 2023: Gold Medalist, New Brew - Falmouth, MA - Some of the top runners in the world including an Olympic gold medalist will flock to Falmouth for the 2023 edition of the Road Race.
Defending women's champ Senbere Teferi was possibly going to set a new CR but she made a wrong turn and ended up third as Fotyen Tesfay (30:44) won. In the men's race, for the first time in history, the top 3 men all were given the same time (27:43) as Charles Langat won.
Tanzania’s Gabriel Geay took the lead for the first mile of Sunday’s 13th Annual BAA 10K just to see if anyone in the front group was ready to move hard sooner than later. When no one responded and gave chase, Geay simply let the group of 12 swallow him as it pounded up Commonwealth Ave. […]