As if climate change-related rising lake levels, extreme weather and threats to biodiversity weren’t enough to worry about, now we can also worry about the public health threat of invading mosquitoes.
North America has about 250 species of mosquitoes, of which about 70 are found in Michigan.
A reader still insists I transform this real estate into an Orwellian two-minute hate session against a former president employed used as a de facto stand-in for Emmanuel Goldstein, George Orwell’s strawman version of Leon Trotsky in “1984.” If we all join in the fray of the two-minute hate, we’ll conveniently forget the rampant incompetence […]
Freedom of speech, am I right? I’ve heard people use it as an excuse for talking loudly in a movie house and offering incendiary comments in public spaces. Just as it’s frowned upon to shout “fire!” in a crowded theater, it’s also bad form to pull a fire alarm on purpose and lie about it […]
My regrets to the Kinks’ Ray Davies for the borrowed headline. Last week closed the book of summer, but we were granted a respite from the sometimes-cruel nature of autumn. Hence, the scattershot proceedings that follow this brief introduction. I apologize in advance as my memory still casts a brand-new 3 wt. rod into a […]