Wom civilians in syria. A series of tweets warning assad and putin there will be a big price to pay. If he doesnt follow through and live up to that tweet, hes going to look weak in the eyes of russia and iran so this is the defining moment, mr. President. Defining moment. Trouble in the west wing, a new report detail alsos how chief of staff john kelly has lost his influence inside the white house. The president and Administration Officials using a familiar phrase to denounce the report. Can you guess what it is . When you read something in the Washington Post frankly, thats fake news most of the time. Most of the time . No, sir, its certainly not in that report. A klocloser look at people. Whats being used to inform us us, is being used to divide us. Certainly is. Facebook will begin telling users if their data was improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica. As zuckerberg heads to congress. We have a big week. What does action look like . Just four days after saying he wants to get t
tensions throughout the arab world, arab and iranian world. so syria s problem caused by our diplomatic inaction. all right. ambassador, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts this morning. i want to bring my panel in. the former white house senior director and former state department senior adviser under president obama. bob torricelli, former democratic senator from my home state new jersey. edward siegfried, republican strategist. can you give us a sense of the united states role in syria and compare it to countries like russia or turkey? because it s definitely not the same. absolutely not the same at all. a large part of this is the united states has been on its back foot when it comes to syria. trying to support opposition people and groups and even candidates without a clear understanding of who is the leader among all those groups. you have within those groups people that could be islamist