Discusses his newest book book if they critique of correspondent best selling book my Promised Land of the triumph and tragedy of israel. You can watch them talking about the book on the website booktv. Org. He spoke out another bookstore in baltimore. This is just under two hours. Thank you for inviting me. And i want to use the time that is allotted to me. I could go on for roughly an hour. I want to use the time that is allotted to me to try to clarify exactly what is going on in this particular case. It does require a certain amount of clarity because virtually everything thats being said about the current round massacring gaza virtually everything that is being said is simply not true. Saying its not true is just a euphemism. I think its important to have some clarity. What actually is happening and what triggered it and what is happening now in the ground and where things are headed. Let me begin with the beginning mainly the context of what is happening. Its important to get the