Thomas said the gun discharged as he was holding it, asking Nunez-Gustave "if that just happened." Nunez-Gustave began to pass out, and Thomas called 911 for help.
Keith Claypool, 55, is charged in Dakota County Court with first-degree assault as a hate crime and knowing and intentional abuse of a vulnerable adult.
Kierre Williams is accused of killing Rev. Stephen Gutgsell, a Roman Catholic priest in Fort Calhoun, and is scheduled to have a district court hearing on Feb. 6 in Blair.
BLAIR, Neb. (AP) The priest's death came just four months after another seemingly random home invasion killing in the town of 1,100 that is eight miles north of Omaha and shook residents' confidence in their safety.
Kierre Williams, 43, is accused of killing Rev. Stephen Gutgsell, a Roman Catholic priest in Fort Calhoun, and is scheduled to have a district court hearing on Feb. 6 in