Patrick Andrews, past president of the Ocala Camellia Society, said Wines was one of the most influential (camellia) growers in the area and had an impressive collection.
Wines is survived by his two daughters, Maryanne Nowlan, 41, and Bobbye Wines, 46, both of Ocala, and his 8-year-old granddaughter, Harper, who is Nowlan s daughter.
Bob Wines doted over Harper and she enjoyed rides in a golf cart around the nursery and watching television with her Pa.
Williams and Nowlan will continue to head up the nursery operation.
A man who lived his faith
Mary Wines said he was a driven and dedicated businessman, and one of his favorite Bible verses was Colossians 3:17, which states, in part: Let every activity of your lives and every word from your lips be drenched with the beauty of the Lord Jesus.