follow, rather than lead. hats off to the prime minister cameron. hats off to sarkozy. they led in this effort. the united states, by president obama s decision wanted to follow from the rear. he can t sit back now and claim look how well our strategy worked. no, he did not show the proper leadership. though they were providing the greatest amount of support in terms of our military cost and this sort of thing. now he s going to try to take credit for something he has no reason to get credit for because he did not take leadership on this issue. sean: herman cain, appreciate your time. my pleasure sean. sean: no secret there is no love lost between the tea party movement and the democratic party this weekend congresswoman waters went quite a bit too far. as far as i m concerned the tea party can go straight to hell.
sean: joining me with analysis. dick morris. good to see you. am i making too much of the fact? i can t get over with the country in the position that it is in. and the president traveling around in this canadian refurbished bus in a disaster of a tour that the first lady wouldn t wait for him. she takes a separate government paid for airplane. a second you know motorcade and i m thinking can they be that far out of touch with how the american people are struggling? i think it is incredible. the real thing here is that normally, all normally august is a dead month. we ve had downgrade, stock market going crazy, worst military disaster in afghanistan this is not the time to go away let me talk about perry s for a minute. the fact of the matter is texas ranks, i believe 13th of the 50 states in on time graduation from high school. sean: not a bad record.
united nations talking about peacekeepers put on the ground. today mr. obama said that is not going to happen. the infrastructure of libya is not that of somalia it is capable of producing a million and a half barrels of oil a day. and there s something in the neighborhood of 50 billion dollars worth of libyan assets that are in the control of nato, the united states and other countries that froze those assets. libya has potential. the problem is, what does in mean for people like assad? in syria he s got an exit. gadhafi has nowhere to run. syria has [ talking over each other ] sean: probably does. chavez comes to mind first. you can t get there from here. his problem is, no planes, now the airport is steve harrigan just reported the airport is in the hands of the rebels, there s no way out for in guy. he s not going to get to zimbabwe, south africa,
this. what that means is they are really concerned that i m a threat to their beloved barack obama. sean: this is not a rare occurrence. this is very common. i can give you the list of names. you know what they are. i don t think it is worthy of bringing up on the program. conservative african-americans around the country are called on a regular basis. i brought this up earlier. you have the tea party referred to by maxine they can go straight to hell. why is it that there seems to be tea party candidates, conservative african-americans. we are not allowed to call any other group of people names, except them. they seem to be two exceptions. why does the exemption exist? it exists because the liberals, including the president, the democrats, they like a double standard. the president was the one who called for a new era of civility.
continue to run surveillance flights, continue to run the command and control for nato operation. the ultimate question is, what are what of the rest of the arab world? what are they going to do for the people of libya? that s a question that nobody knows the answer. sean: in the end, what does president obama get out of this? should he like prime minister cameron be headed back to washington to deal with the economic conditions of the country and with this situation that is unfolding? or is he capable of playing golf and like all presidents, he s getting lots of national security briefings, wherever he is, the white house goes with him. sean: the the golf course is really good for security briefings. prime minister cameron says we have to deal with this as a crisis this is a crisis. not just for the europeans, ultimately for us. sean: it is a crisis for us as was the muslim brotherhood.