Use humanitarian intervention to justify a horrible act of war and you start off by talking a little about the Trump Presidency and probably almost everyone watching this can agree hes been a catastrophe in myriad ways so many ways you know you cant really count them all but in terms of forum paul policy its very telling when the Mainstream Media and the establishment truly freak out when they freak i mean they the moment they truly lose it and how terrible trump is they freak out in moments such as when trump said hed be withdrawing our troops from syria or when he threatened to create peace with north korea can you talk about what the reaction of our media and really most members of Congress Tells us yeah well another great example is the current one trump is saying he wants to remove 9. 1000 troops from germany we have like 35000 troops in germany very few people probably know that i was surprised to know we had that many and so trump is saying we dont need him there lets bring him
Bless and comfort those who suffer from this disease. Give them healing. Bless and comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones in he wake of covid19. Inspire those professionals whose lifes work is health care. Those who care for the sick and those who labor to find treatments and cures to diseases as they emerge and begin their own effort to survive. Help us to love you and one another for we know that you work all things together for good for those who do so. In our communities throughout the country, fin toe continue to bless government, citizens, and police with a spirit of respect and cooperation. May peace descend upon all that mabes and those in service to them can look Forward Together to a more prosperous future. Bless the peoples house and may all that is done be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 4a of House Resolution 967, the journal of the last days proceeding is approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gent
Things giving Law Enforcement more money. He then randomly started talking about the economy. And what does that mean the stock market went through the roof these good numbers they drove it up to a level that. Were almost at the same level hard to believe were getting very close to the level we were before the pandemic and before all of the things that youve seen happen yeah you know because nothing nothing says Police Reform like master pretoria wall street bootlicking i mean what ive been to reform and police a wall street meanwhile democratic candidate joe biden well. Actually as anyone even heard from joe at this point. You know rapidly rising. Oh oh. Because even remember hes running for president seriously but despite the failures of our corporate approved leadership on all levels its the protesters and the activists on the ground who are actually changing the world and helping us all into a better and Brighter Future since the tragic murder of george boyd on may 25th by the Minn
With debt service and costs that are higher than profits such a fundamentally important char american corporations are increasingly doing business only as a side possible to their real purpose which is transferring cast from lenders to looters remember the lenders are you know that all of those bonds thats being transferred to the Zombie Companies and theyre looting well you know this goes back to something weve been saying for a number of years now that corporations only really have a profit in terms of what they can engineer on their cash desks as theyre called right so you have like a Car Companies in america they start making money making cars they made money leasing cars and then taking the income from those leases and building derivative portfolios and ponzi schemes and then the executives of buy back their own stock and then the options go up in value and they all become billionaires somehow magically not knowing why even though their Car Companies were losing money and losing m
Want to begin with one of the most important topics for all americans housing right now millions of you are asking the following questions given the volatile economic and political times that we are going through 1st and foremost do i sell my home before it loses its value. What happens. Those people who arent paying their mortgage are suddenly forced to pay up by the way those who arent paying for at least 3 months they make up 8 percent of the homeowner population and they reportedly account for more than 800000000000. 00 in unpaid principal so what happens when the government for marriage Forbearance Program comes due will there be a glut of homes suddenly on the market out there and then theres the question of whether big cities are going to just empty out who wants to live there right what happens in our nations urban centers who will want to live in a crowded densely populated city with elevators Tall Buildings occasional spurts of racial unrest these are the trends that some rea