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Australia needs an education ambassador: experts
Australia must establish an Office for Education Trade Diversification and appoint an Ambassador for Australian Education, experts from The Australian National University (ANU) argue.
The call comes as thousands of international students remain locked out of university campuses across Australia due to ongoing border closures, as well as increasingly tense relations between Beijing and Canberra.
In their paper, Protecting education exports: minimising the damage of China’s future economic coercion, Dr Dirk van der Kley and Dr Benjamin Herscovitch argue “education is Australia’s only remaining export valued over $10 billion annually which is both reliant on China and which Beijing can target without significant self-harm”.
Vulnerable education market must diversify away from China
Education is the only remaining Australian export market to China worth more than $10 billion that Beijing could target without inflicting significant harm on its own economy, a new report says.
Universities need to adopt a more co-ordinated approach to diversifying countries from which students are sourced, a new report says.
Louie Douvis
Given the potential vulnerabilities of the education market, Australia must adopt a more concerted and co-ordinated approach to diversifying countries from which students are sourced, a report from the National Security College at Australian National University says.
“If there was a significant drop in students from China, the revenue and research loss would be impossible to fully replace through other international markets because China is the largest source of globally mobile students. It would also be costly for the government to step in and fully fund the gap,” the re