He, she, they and them. These are gender pronouns we use daily that many hardly ever notice. For non-binary individuals such as activist Elijah Tay, who identifies as they/them, being seen and understood is all they are asking for. The Nanyang Technological University (NTU) student, 20, told AsiaOne: "In our society, we refer to kids as boys and girls, or.
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There is no evidence of school-based Covid-19 transmissions so far, even as a few new infections among students will be reported, said Education Minister Lawrence Wong.
The infections reported so far all took place outside of school but even so, safe management measures in schools have been tightened, said Mr Wong, who is the co-chair of a Covid-19 multi-ministry task force. But we will continue to monitor this very closely and see if additional measures are necessary, he said at a press briefing on Friday (May 14).
Principals and teachers have been reminded to be alert and vigilant, to make sure that students who are in schools can continue learning safely, he added.
May 14, 2021
Most students who were reported to have tested positive recently are linked to a tutor in a private tuition school.
SINGAPORE - There is no evidence of school-based Covid-19 transmissions so far, even as a few new infections among students will be reported, said Education Minister Lawrence Wong.
The infections reported so far all took place outside of school but even so, safe management measures in schools have been tightened, said Mr Wong, who is the co-chair of a Covid-19 multi-ministry task force. But we will continue to monitor this very closely and see if additional measures are necessary, he said at a press briefing on Friday (May 14).