with the mission and then we act. concerns about security are constant. upon our arrival there had been three bombings in three days, with more than 100 people killed. . as we re driving to the areas of the southern punjab region most affected by the fods, there s a long contious line, practically a mile long of trucks deliver aid to the region. just the sheer volu is incredible. there must have bn 100 trucks, waiting to try to get supplies into the affected area. after 8,000 miles and three straight days of traveling, rubicon finally arrived to a remote village that ev a month into theo floods has yet to receive medical aid. undawnsed by state department and military warnings about security, the team begins saving lives. doctors eduardo dolan is a member of the team.
rubicon finally arrives to a remote village that even a month into the floods is yet to receive medical aid. undaunted by state department and military warnings about security, the team begins saving lives. dr. eduardo dolan is a member of the team. so what we re going to do, this is going to bede facto triage area. we ll make the diagnosis. reporter: as the team begins to set up a clinic in the abandoned building, the victims start arriving. what s the issue with this guy? the baby is totally floppy, totally unresponsive. yeah, we re going to bring this baby to see dr. calhoun right now. so we have a baby that s 10, 11 months old, having diarrhea for four to five days with vomiting. we now have a situation in which she is probably borderline to
that are most affected by the floods, there s this long continuous line that s practically a mile long of trucks delivering aid to the region. just the sheer volume is incredible. there must have been 1 hundred trucks just waiting to get supplies into the area. after 8,000 miles and three straight days of traveling, rubicon finally arrives to a remote village that even a month into the floods is yet to receive medical aid. undaunted by state department and military warnings about security, the team begins saving lives. dr. eduardo dolan is a member of the team. what we re going to do, this is our de facto triage area. right here. we re diagnosis and write the prescriptions. reporter: as the team begins to set up a clinic in the abandoned building, the victims start arriving. what s the issue with this
exclusive at that world is waiting to see and now reacting to soledad o brien s riveting one-on-one with imam rauf. the mosque is being built near ground zero in manhattan. the imam has not talked about this until now and telling cnn that he regrets such pain but it may be dangerous to back down now. soledad was up late last night and she s here now. what did he have to say? i think this is a person that s well-known for being a moderate. in the muslim world, there are many people who find that this moderate position, the fact that he supports america so much is say problem with them. so he sort of navigates his tricky middle path. and i think he s dedicated his life to finding peace, bidding bridges and talking about tolerance. those things are all true but in this particular place, they ve sort of got themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. he talked about how pain that they caused, they were blind sideded by it. they had no idea that the controversy would c