Former Minister of Internal Administration Eduardo Cabrita has confirmed that he has already informed the PS Setúbal federation that he does not intend to be a.
The Minister of Internal Administration (MAI), Eduardo Cabrita, has resigned following the accusation against his driver of homicide by negligence by the Public.
Portugal’s interior minister resigned Friday after a series of gaffes and missteps that could have made him a political liability for his center-left Socialist Party ahead of elections for a new government on Jan. 30. Eduardo Cabrita, whose department oversees internal security, including police, the immigration service and firefighters, said he was standing down because…
LISBON Eduardo Cabrita, Portugal minister of internal administration, resigned on Friday after an accusation by the Public Prosecutor Office about his driver
LISBON Eduardo Cabrita, Portugal minister of internal administration, resigned on Friday after an accusation by the Public Prosecutor Office about his driver