3 Beat 3 is a Trio that can amaze you if you allow them to. With the multi-intrumentist Redy Cobas, Percussionist Eduardo Barroetabeña and Popular Singer Nora Pierro you’ll be immerse in a great musical journey, from Pop to Jazz, Folk to Latin they will always surprise you.
3 Beat 3 is a Trio that can amaze you if you allow them to. With the multi-intrumentist Redy Cobas, Percussionist Eduardo Barroetabeña and Popular Singer Nora Pierro you’ll be immerse in a great musical journey, from Pop to Jazz, Folk to Latin they will always surprise you.
3 Beat 3 is a Trio that can amaze you if you allow them to. With the multi-intrumentist Redy Cobas, Percussionist Eduardo Barroetabeña and Popular Singer Nora Pierro you’ll be immerse in a great musical journey, from Pop to Jazz, Folk to Latin they will always surprise you.
3 Beat 3 is a Trio that can amaze you if you allow them to. With the multi-intrumentist Redy Cobas, Percussionist Eduardo Barroetabeña and Popular Singer Nora Pierro you’ll be immerse in a great musical journey, from Pop to Jazz, Folk to Latin they will always surprise you.