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reporter: it s a different political climate. look no further tn the string of victories for the tea party endorsed candidates. i think there is a lot of political power in the decentralized movement. edu don t need a lot of money and you don t need the endorsement of the national party, because if you are on the ground getting out the vote and our neighbors, that results in victories. reporter: matt kibie re is a activist to the rally. reporter: what has changed since 9/12? it was a coming out party, the first time people got to place at one place at one time. and this year it s far more developed and sophisticated and ten fold bigger.
this family is somehow going to come up with this money. i think the family itself, they are going to contribute some of the money. i would not be surprised if human rights groups makes contribution. at some point once they have that money, they wi transfer it to the swiss embassy. iran and the u.s. don t have diplomatic relations, so the swiss embassy plays the role of mediator in situations like this. and technically it s bail money. if she wants the money back, she will have to come back and face trl. s unlikely i will happen. when foreigners have posted bail before, they never come back essentially for egoing that money. she probably will not return t
able to be out of there byor toy or tomorrow. you will remember the story, again, a year ago the three were accused of going into iran, and they say they passed into the border from iraq from h aiking d they were accused of spying. josh and shane, don t know what their fate will be. they will be charged and will have to stay. sarah will be able to go once $500,000 in bail is paid. the lawyer says that could ppen today or tomorrow. she is by all reports dealing with serious medical issues and she is not getting the medical attention she needs according to her family. we are on top of the story f you here, and a lot of developments on that story this morning. some hopeful ones at least for the family of the three. 23 past the hour. a quick break and we ll be right back. to anything we throw at it. then let s get it installed, and save money on the whole project.
nation fryou. reporter: you might be surprised at what he has to say. iid would not let a kid at eleven years old to throw a breaking ball. reporter: why does he say that? it puts too much stress on preteen elbows. over time we are seeing an epidemic of over use injuries, and an epidemic of shoulder and elbow tinjuries. reporte that often means surgeries and pitching career is over before it started. teach them how tory pitch an don t worry so much about the curveball. there is plenty of time for that. reporter: the problem is that young players are getting injured because they are playing too many innings per game. it s hard when professional baseball is such a draw. i want to be a professional baseball player. many young players and coaches don t always get this message. play less to play longer.