Briar Cliff University hosted its 12th Inauguration Ceremony for President Dr. Patrick J. Schulte. Dr. Schulte was named President in March after serving as the interim President since July 2022.
How did Briar Cliff University get here? A little dive into our University s history.
In 1929, the 175-foot hill located on the western outskirts of Sioux City, Iowa was covered in only briar patches. But two people, Mother Mary Dominical Wienke, Major Superior of the Sisters of Saint Francis, and Reverend Edmond Heelan, Bishop of the Sioux City Diocese, had a dream.
On March 9, 1929, Mother Dominica and Bishop Heelan met with members of the Sioux City community. Businessmen attending that meeting committed themselves to raise a total of $25,000 to support the establishment of the college in Sioux City.
After this showing of community support, significant events followed in rapid succession. On Sept. 18, 1930, the college, named Briar Cliff after the hill on which it is located, was dedicated. Four days later, 25 women started classes in Heelan Hall, the only building on campus.