ROCKLAND With Election Day, November 5, 2024 on the not-so-distant horizon, candidates seeking office are getting organized for a campaign season. And in Knox County, two seats on the three-person Board of Commissioners are opening up. Currently,.
ROCKPORT With the presentation to the Select Board of proposed changes to Rockport’s land use ordinance – made primarily with the intent to conform to state law governing housing development, but with additional amendments focused on short term.
CAMDEN A shortage of workforce housing prompted School Administrative District 28 to convert the Elm Street School, located on the corner of Elm and Union streets in Camden, to apartments for teachers by Fall 2027. The idea was introduced to the.
THOMASTON Eighteen committed Thomaston citizens have been meeting since September twice a month to create a vision for the Thomaston Green, owned collectively by the town citizens. It is has been six months of lively conversations, with, “a lot of.
ROCKLAND The official word came late morning, Jan. 30, as Knox County Commissioners convened at a special meeting: County Administrator Andrew Hart delivered a resignation letter to the three Commissioners, effective Feb. 1. It was no surprise.