a gun pointed at his head. jon: joe biden goes too tar with a rant. and liberal mouth piece susan sarandon slanders the pope. did the media take issue with either? another week of antics by the occupy wall street protesters. another week of unbridled biased support by the mainstream press. on the panel this week, writer and fox news contributor, judy miller. national review editor rich lawrie, jim pinkerton editor american conservative magazine and daily bees columnist kirsten powers. i m jon scott, fox news watch is on right now. president obama on his three-day campaign for jobs bus tour this week, making stops in north carolina and virginia. trying to build public support for his 447 billion dollar
store is held up and a gun pointed at his head, and the cop shows up and he s not killed. that s not temporary. and i wish they had a notion what it s like on the other side of a gun. and folks, it s not, it s not. jon: that s vice-president joe biden suggesting our country will see an increase in rapes and murders if the jobs bill, which would provide funds for state and local governments to hire teachers, firefighters and police officers, is not passed. and so, rich, the media reactions to that little well, that s compulsively watchable video, it s just so bizarre and can t believe he s actually seeing these sort of things. if the republican was saying them it would be broadcast and splashed on the front page. he said i wish our opponents knew what it felt like to be raped? it s bizarre, flat out bizarre, and any definition of civility, it s out of bounds
store is held up and a gun pointed at his head, and the cop shows up and he s not killed. that s not temporary. and i wish they had a notion what it s like on the other side of a gun. and folks, it s not, it s not. jon: that s vice-president joe biden suggesting our country will see an increase in rapes and murders if the jobs bill, which would provide funds for state and local governments to hire teachers, firefighters and police officers, is not passed. and so, rich, the media reactions to that little well, that s compulsively watchable video, it s just so bizarre and can t believe he s actually seeing these sort of things. if the republican was saying them it would be broadcast and splashed on the front page. he said i wish our opponents knew what it felt like to be raped? it s bizarre, flat out bizarre, and any definition of civility, it s out of bounds
use against the white house when they approved the loan guarantee program, and bush approved using it against solyndra and there s a double standard giving bush a pass and republicans who had the loan guarantee, standard and green energy and green jobs, the administration gambled the policy on green jobs would make everything work and only later we discovered premised on $7 a gas and told the american people and short of $7 every one of these projects is underwater. jon: and operation fast and furious in which the bureau of arms and tobacco and tracking them and supposedly getting used in the death of an american border parole agent. where is the coverage on that, rich. and the interest in solyndra has broke and lot of fresh angles on.
surrounding that ford commercial now is the latest in a laundry list in allegations gebs the white house. now, detroit news columnist daniel howe report this had on tuesday, said the ad pulled in response to white house questions and presumably carping from rival gm, threatened to rekindle the negative, if accurate, association just when the president wants credit for the positive results gm and chrysler are moving forward, making money in selling vehicles and could distance himself from any public down side of his decision. now, the white house and ford are both denying those claims, but, i guess, does the issue deserve coverage? rich? absolutely. and i mean, i aum because they re both denying it, it s probably true. one of those kind of stories, the truth is, if this were a republican information, there would be countless columns about it and enter for all time. nobody is saying it s true other than the guy that wrote the article, unnamed source