land of the legal weed. yeah! and home to america s latest billion-dollar industry, marijuana. this is part of history because what did the end of alcohol prohibition mean to that generation? dynasties, right? i took everything i had, 401s, iras, and drop it into this. i feel like we re in a once in a lifetime position right now. every state is looking at this. we grew close to 1,000% last year. this year we re going to do 12 million. i m talking all chips in. i hate to fail. we want to be the costco of marijuana. this this episode, you ll enter the hottest part of the legal marijuana world, edibles. trip keeber is building an empire on the unquenchable hunger and thirst for these new products. these are made by dixie. this is their elixir. but it s all new, and serious problems emerge. we don t have access to
legal marijuana is new for everybody. two people died, the opposition yelled foul, the state listened, the industry reacted, experts were called, the rules were modified, and dixie finally passed their fire department inspection. the oil crisis was over. the regulators have been satisfied. the boxes have been execed. last night about 9:00 p.m., we started manufacturing oil. some day, the pot barons will look back on the summiter of 2014. our nutty bite boiling away. gets to a certain temperature, and then it ll be poured. and they ll remember a watershed moment, a time of their personal wealth, social confrontation, and their political crisis. but today is another sunny day in colorado, and with it comes
products. the opposition awakes and demands the government take action. they re extremely potent. they re on the shelves, and yes, the state now is trying to do something about it. the government launches a $2 million education campaign warning kids not to be marijuana lab rats. they pass emergency rules requiring edibles to be sold in smaller portions, more clearly marked, and delivered in newly designed childproof packaging. in an industry working without the support of bank loans, these new costs are serious roadblocks. the rules, which consist of approximately 35 pages, that was debilitating. we put some additional requirements on the manufacturers, and we passed that rule in emergency fashion so we could get safer edibles out in the marketplace sooner rather than later. i wouldn t say that the government is a partner with the industry right now. we battle every day on new
manufacturers to still create 100-milligram edibles. the only thing was they had to be able to score that product and make it really clear where the different serving sizes existed within that product, and it had to be made easily separable at the point it was scored. more troubles for the ediblings industry. while the new rules about dosing and packaging were reeking havoc, the news runs stories on black market attempts to make edibles at home. a regulatory tsunami of new safety rules was just over the horizon, threatening to halt production. the opposition may not be able to shut down the edibles industry, but a barrage of shifting regular lakes could cause a war of attrition. dixie is running on oil reserve, unable to create marijuana oil because of new fire department regulations. their assembly line won t be rolling again until they get a new explosion-proof hood for their extractor. cheapest i found is $25,000. you have to have the
expansion. never have i been presented an opportunity where you could potentially be part of history. i think people will look back, maybe my children or my daughter s children and say, wow, you know, this was the end of prohibition of marijuana. that 80-plus years of reefer madness is not going to be something easy to break. colorado s new laws have created nearly a billion-dollar industry in the first year in one state. edibles, also known as marijuana infused products, are doing hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. tootsie roll or maybe truffles. some of our production teams are actually manufacturing chocolate truffles, which won high times cannabis cup award two years ago. we just came off of that. we start with the key ingredient, which is raw plant material, cannabis. the raw plant material used in edibles is not usually the flower or bud that is smoked.