this is a guy that also signed a verified fisa search warrant sean: the last one. without verified information. sean: sarah? i agree with greg here. he also signed off on a litany of reasons of why comey should be fired. when president trump did that and comey leaked illegally leaked his documents, called for a special counsel. i don t see it. i don t see any kind of salvage for him. sean: a great week next week. i have a lot of questions for mueller, too. i know how to ask them. i might tell people what i think about that. come up with my own list of questions. when we come back, trace gallagher, another update on iran seizing this british tanker as we continue tonight. the breaking news edi
this is their final protective fire. this is it. this is all they have left. we know there was no collusion with russia and the trump administration or the trump campaign. absolutely out of the question. there s been no collusion. we know there was nothing else that the trump campaign as far as obstruction of justice. we know there was no obstruction of justice. what they re trying to prove here, sean, right now is they re laying the ground work for the democrats to move forward with any kind of impeachment. because know they re in the hot seat. there s an investigation. this investigation is wide and expansive with the department of justice. we have people looking into not only comey s actions and the fbi s actions, but into everybody else s actions that was a sossated with the investigation into president trump. this is all the ammunition they have left and that s what they re trying to do they re spreading their ammunition out and hoping something will save them. it won t. sean: i
announcer: did you know dragging chains could spark a wildfire? smokey, voice-over: only you can prevent wildfires. sean: right now the media mob is hitting, if you can believe
six-month delay there was no immediate comment, sean. sean: catherine herridge in colorado tonight. thanks for working overtime. we appreciate it. back to the stop story. the british are working to free its tanker that was seized by iran in international waters. of course, this act of aggression is not isolated in anyway, shape, matter or form. not long ago, iran shot down a u.s. drone that was flying in international airspace. a couple days ago, an iranian drone was downed by a u.s. navy ship after coming close to our vessel after numerous warnings. let s not forget, iran is the world s leading state sponsor of terrori terrorism. at this very moment, radical islamic militants are collecting a pay check from iran. the president was very clear today in his warning.
left leaning. but the willing to shrug off all pretenses of trying to cover somebody fairly in order to persecute a guy has been astonishing. i lost so much respect for so many people that i once regarded. sean: dr. gorka, i said it many times. if the president cured cancer, gave every american, $10 million, they would still hate him. even if he adopted their crazy agenda. it s true. if he walked out of the oval and started walking on the surface of the water, they would say he can t swim, sean. [laughter] sean: touche. on his game. dr. gorda, charlie, good to see you. when we come back, more reaction to catherine herridge s huge breaking news and nellie ohr tonight. craig jarrett and sarah carter. more on the escalations with more on the escalations with iran on this the zip code you re born into