changing world. you are at the mercy of the elements. this is the story of what it takes to survive on the edge of the world. patagonia s forests are filled with fascinating wildlife and jaw-dropping vistas unlike anywhere else on earth. we re on a journey of discovery through patagonia s wild lands from its northern rain forests to the tip of south america where the trees have to tough out long, freezing winters. forests filled with a host of
story and worked with her civics class to petition the massachusetts legislature to exonerate her and three years later, elizabeth johnson was officially exonerated. so put that in the history books. and join cnn as we explore made gonia, live of the edge of the world. parakeets, the southern most species of parrot on earth. a wrerestless bunch, they go fr tree to tree in flocks up to 15 birds. when they find a good feeding spot, numbers can swell to over 100. their preferred way to fatten up for the winter, gorging on monkey puzzle pinenuts.
elements. this is a story of what it takes to survive on the edge of the world. the land along patagonia s eastern coast is barren. [ seagulls ] but the sea is rich with life. the andes cut through patagonia, blocking moist air flowing from the pacific, creating the eighth largest desert in the world. but off the atlantic coast a cold southern current mixes with the warmer brazilian one, producing the perfect conditions for marine life.
chall challenges in a rapidly changing world. you are at the mercy of the elements. this is the story of what it takes to survive on the edge of the world. patagonia, one of the world s last great wildernesses. it stretches for more than a thousand miles, all the way down to the southern-most tip of south america. towering above the region are the andes, dividing chile from argentina. we re headed on an epic journey up through patagonia s wild highlands. from its foothills to its
the edge of the world, the far south is a place dominated by extreme forces of nature. here, both people and animals must overcome enormous challenges in order to reap fantastic rewards.