Spring is definitely in the air, and nothing welcomes the season more than Edgartown’s annual Mother’s Day and Spring Festival. The website (edgpinkandgreen.com/events) invites us to join Edgartown in celebrating moms and Mother Earth from May 12 to 14 with specials, sales, activities, and all things spring. Start the weekend off at the Harbor View […]
Beacons on hilltops have guided mariners to safe harbor since the dawn of recorded history, and when Martha’s Vineyard was an important port for whale ships and other seafarers, lighthouses showed the way safely around shoals and rocks. These days, everyone’s phone has a GPS and most maritime navigation relies on newer technology, but computers […]
Late Show host Steven Colbert called Florida governor Ron DeSantis a gaping a-hole for his Martha s Vineyard migrant stunt in his opening monologue this week.
At Monday’s Edgartown select board meeting, Island director of the Trustees of Reservations (TTOR) Darci Schofield gave an update on the controversial beach management plan, which was recently rescinded after getting overwhelmingly negative feedback from residents Island-wide. A report compiled of community response to the 49-page draft plan, which will be available at the end […]