Don’t believe in climate change, rising sea levels, or cities sinking (“subsiding”)? Venice is sinking. So are Rotterdam, Bangkok, and New York (though a few spots are rising!) But no place compares to Jakarta, the fastest-sinking megacity on the planet. Over the past 25 years, the hardest-hit areas of Indonesia’s capital have subsided more than 16 feet due to illegal wells, diminishing groundwater, and a rising sea level. Many billions will be spent moving an entire city. In the United States, insurance issues have become obvious problems. Do you think you have privacy in your car? Think again, and not only that, insurance companies are using driving data to set premiums. Uh oh. In Florida, several high-rise condo projects (with units for sale) are sitting as insurance companies have dramatically hiked their hurricane coverage costs so some projects are renewing at 50-60 percent coverage only, which makes the units unable to be financed. I’m told we