The latest doing the one they trypsin being with us on the show so we are celebrating with him. Also we take a look at some ways to decorate the house for h the holidays. That will be great. Some drinks for the holidays. Some door buster deals for black friday because that will be here in a couple of days. Do we are packed to the brim. We nice lady i met at heinz yesterday. Her name is sevilley m. She told me to tell you she loves natalie, shes such a nice girl. Thank you seville. We appreciate you watching so much andso everyone else. Its that time of year to be thankful. We aree thankful for all the viewers that want to stay in and day out. She saidn she tapes it and that way when they get to the weekend to figure out what to do they go to a couple of shows and day. A we very much appreciate that. Its a tall order. What are you doing for the holidays . A lot of holiday things going on. Iing will be her tomorrow becaue im getting ready for a big wedding. My brother is getting married