images so vivid that even fleeting moments become indelible memories. but how reliable are those memories? are the colors true? would you stake your life on it? it s showtime. and is it possible for imagination and memory to mix in the mind of a child? this did not ever happen. i am an innocent person. these allegations are not true. and i m i mean, i don t know how else to explain it. i did not do this. i am not a child molester. but that is exactly what nancy smith was accused of in the spring of 1993. it was a nightmare, and it began one day and it never ended and it s still a nightmare today. nancy had been born and raised in lorraine, ohio, a once booming industrial town on lake erie. she stayed out of trouble and grew up with modest aspirations. i always knew that i d probably want to grow up and be a mother. you know, get married and be a wife, you know, have children, have a house, you know, what everybody dreams of. of course, she never dreamed that
class= nosel noCC > 01204&q=nancy smith >Nancy Smith 26, Joseph Allen 14, Lorain 9, Margie Grondin 6, Smith 5, Bradley 5, Cantu 5, Jack Bradley 4, Emily Oliver 4, Usaa 3, Cel Rivera 3, Rivera 3, Hagerman 3, Burge 2, Tom Cantu 2, Margie 2, Sherri Hagerman 2, Ohio 2, Hindsight 2, Mike Wallace 2 Network NBC Duration 01:00:00 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language English Source Comcast Cable Tuner Channel 80 (561 MHz) Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 528 Pixel height 480 Audio/Visual sound, color
i knew it. what was the truth? did anyone ask you to take a closer look? yeah, number two. and who would find it? oh, my god. you know i didn t do this. they all know i didn t do this. haunt haunted memories. welcome to dateline, everyone, i m lester holt. it was such an ugly accusation, it outraged an entire community it had all the elements, victims, witnesses, and soon, two suspects under arrest. the only question? was there a crime? here is ron mott. reporter: the sights and sounds of childhood. unforgettable smells, images so vivid that even fleeting moments become indelible memories, but how reliable are those memories? are the colors true? would you stake your life on it? it s showtime. reporter: and it is possible for imagination and memory to mix in the mind of a child? this did not ever happen. i am an innocent person. these allegations are not true. and i m i don t i don t know how else to explain it. i did not do this. i am not a child m