only politically expedient but extremely harmful. they hit health care. health care. they refuse to end a tax break for bill oil that never should have been given in the first place. even though the big five oil companies made more than $32 billion in the fourth quarter of last year alone. this bill is shameless. it is shameful. vote no. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. does the gentlelady from illinois continue to reserve? mrs. biggert: yes, i continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from massachusetts. mr. tierney: mr. speaker, at this time i d like to yold one minute to the gentlewoman from california, ms. woolsey. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from california is recognized for one minute. ms. woolsey: mr. speaker, in my dictionary a slush fund is defined as a fund for bribing public officials or carrying on corruptive propaganda. yet, the speaker of the house used that term, the chair of the education and labor
lower health care benefits and worse pensions and then the republicans in congress, in the house, are passing a bill saying, oh, by the way, you re only going to make $1,500 a year less but if you have a student loan that you signed on to for your son or daughter, you re going to have to pay double that interest rate. or if you get a student loan, you ll have to pay double the interest rate that it is now. and if you have health care and maybe your kid was going to stay on it because he s under 26 or she s under 26 years old, republicans want to repeal that . so now your kid s got to go out and get health care and pay more on a student loan where you re making $1,500 a year less and your pension s going to be less and your health care s going to be less. what are we doing? this is not the kind of america that we all believe in. and the student loan issue i think cuts right to the heart of it and then you have this compounding assault on the american worker, whether it s right