without? if you have a dirty barbecue, i m not coming to your house. okay. the glowing key fob. it s hard to see here. it s always glowing. takes a little juice out of the battery. ed throw it in your pocketbook or your knapsack. you always find your keys. then when you find your keys, you have a little flashlight. it s dark in there. always find them. right. guide lights, the same principle. they glow. light switches, stairs good idea. hurricane tape. why is this different than masking tape? what s great about hurricane tape, if the windows survive and you get to the tape within seven days, it peels right off. doesn t leave any residue. didn t have to sit with the razor blade and scrape. within seven days. i know all about that. okay. hurricane tape is good. all right, thank you to our giz whiz, dick debartolo. for all the details on these products visit gizwhiz.biz. or wnnfans.com.