obama s program in a negative light. they also found they unreasonably intrude into the private lives of ordinary citizens. does russia intercept, store or analyze in any way the communications of millions of individuals? reporter: that bit of political theater gave the former kgb officer a chance to score propaganda points. putin boast thad while moscow of course engages in surveillance it is limited and quote strictly regulated by law. translator: so our special forces can use special equipment as they intercept phone calls to follow someone online. you have to get court permission to stalk a particular person. we don t have a mass system of such interception. reporter: of course the u.s. surveillance effort that s obama now wants to rein in also follow the law. it s hard to miss the irony. snowden allowing putin to pose as a champion of law as he s threatening eastern ukraine after flouting international law by invading crimea. snowden s disclosures allowed
most of its weapons grade uranium into weaker form. that leaves the republic with substantially less of the fuel it would need for a nuclear warhead. critics of course say iran could essentially flip a switch and be back to full speed almost instantaneously. now back to russia. during vladimir putin s annual call-in show 0 with the nation, a very special caller just happened to make it through. fox news media analyst and host of fox s media buzz howard kurtz shows us what happened. reporter: ed snowden hiding out in russia seemed to be openly collaborating today with vladimir putin. it can hardly be a coincidence that the nsa leaker, a fugitive from american justice, got through on a moscow call-in show and was able to ask effect, whether his government does what the united states does by engaging in massive electronic surveillance. snowden end added his own spin that talk about president