In a stunning audio recording, convicted Red Scorpion leader Jamie Bacon laments gang life and says he is ready to co-operate with police and put other gangsters and killers behind bars.
Cody Haevischer and Matthew Johnston were convicted seven years ago of six counts of first-degree murder in the gangland execution of rival Corey Lal, his…
VANCOUVER Eileen Mohan knows what it’s like to lose someone to gang violence. Her only son, Christopher Mohan, was shot and killed when he was 22-years-old, one of six people murdered, in the spree of killings dubbed the Surrey Six. Mohan and another man, Ed Schellenberg, were both innocent victims. “It’s been 14 years, but for me, it’s like yesterday,” Mohan said, “holding my own dead son in my arms.” Mohan has been watching the escalation in gang-related gun violence across the Lower Mainland, including high-profile public assassinations, with horror and the sense that history is repeating itself.