outbuild and outinnovate and t outeducate as well as outhustle the rest of the world, the jobs and industries of our time will take root here in the united states. overall the obama plan would trim the budget by $1 trillion over the next decade. the top republican called that way too timid. our problem is we are running out of road to keep kicking this can down. and so what did we just get today? we got a punt. the president punted on the budget and he punted on the deficit and on the debt. that s not leadership. that s anned aned a vocation of leadership. who enters the battle over government spending and priorities with the upper hand politically? joining us from new york ed rollinss and here in d.c., roland martin. ed, i want to go to you first. the republicans just won an election big time in november. they think it was about spending. but the president has made the calculation those guys i can go
mike huckabee and governor palin also decided pot to come. among those who were there, they had a straw poll, of course. i want to show you past winners first. no one who has won cpac straw poll going into a presidential cycle in 1995, phil gramm, governor romney, no one who has won the vau poll has ended up being the nominee in the next cycle. it s history. so i ll show you this and we ll have a conversation. here are this year s winners. ron paul, ed rollinss, carried the day with 30%, mitt romney, 23%. you see the rest falling down in there. so it was a big event. does it matter? no, it doesn t matter. ron paul is not going to be the nominee. he has a dedicated group of people who will be supporting him, younger, very libertarian, but he won t be a viable candidate. romney may come in second again. that s what he did, came in second in this this poll, came in second or third depending on
is that fair? i think it s fair because you re making it clear they have to have a hand in it. you can t say it s all on you. they now control the house, so they have to make those tough decisions. the american people love to say we want tdeficit down, we don t want the stuff we like cut. so he s going to tell the republicans are you going cut fense, are you going con front social security and medicaid. democrats also don t want to touch social security and medicaid. he s slashing mayors, community development block grant funds. so he needs them talking up his budget priorities when you re cutting what they also like, that s a problem locally. politically, ed, he does have some liberals saying how can you cut low income heating assistance for people in the