declared it a public health emergency earlier this month but critics argue they have not moved fast enough. yesterday the deputy a mmonkeyp defense coordinator defended their response. we know what we got in terms of this outbreak. it s acting differently than any mo monkeypox outbreak before. we need what needs to be implemented to control the outbreak and clear which populations we need to focus on. it s more about the right time as opposed to there being a delay. those comments came one day after the white house announced a new plan called for boosting vaccine supply making anti viral treatments more readily available and reaching out to at risk communities. that plan is being put into action this weekend in s charlotte. health care workers in north carolina will be administering free monkeypox vaccine at pride events across the city. charlotte is one of several receiving 50,000 vaccine doses from the national stockpile ahead of large public events. we want to get in
Im doreen gents ler. And im jim vance. The photograph name has not be released yet. Just learned about this a co. Work with dr. Snitermans sday te in west africa. Just a day later, he started exci sympt and quane positive test result came ba today. The rest of the nbc n symptoms, wi be flown back for obse the news tonight o positive eba in africa, is a graphic exe of how desperate teams there and in our country now as well. And writer was wog with nbc news chief medil chi and correspon dr. Nancy snyderman when he te positive r ebola. This is a very experienc pho journalist who we hired to augmt our team on the field in monr. Snyderman has been in west afri nbc ems covering the ebola outb. Else on the team has shn sig of contracti the de virus. We have really worked hard to mini our risk. I mean, obviously, zero risk mes never coming to l mini means crossing over into this country. The freelance photograpr is for treatment. Back on a ed pre jet and place themselves in isolation for the