1.2 trillion, and as you know, it is one thing to get ten senators on board, it s another thing to get 60. there is a lot of skepticism. some progressives like ed markie say if it is climate change, they re a no. on the republican side, this is twice as big as mitch mcconnell and the other team posed to president biden. they said that is probably about as high as republicans are willing to go. the question of whether or not republicans are on board depends in large part if the president is on board. they spoke about how they re thankful they can be moving forward on the deal. live on capitol hill, sahill.
father s family first arrived from ireland. there is a lot of excitement. if you look at the most recent poll, this was conducted just after labor day, already congressman kennedy is far ahead of the pack, far ahead even of ed markie in a head to head match up. when you look at the rest of the fleeld is several challengers. he is still out ahead by about nine points. so clear that kennedy name is going to help him quite a bit. athena, give me the logic here. you have a democratic, they want to expand the number of seats they got in the senate, but yet here you have two democrats that will be battling over a seat that the democrats already hold. that s right, you have schumer and others saying i
time ago. he is very much in favor of the denuke of north korea and we re talking about different things. we have some things, we ll be talking again soon and we ll see how that works out. in other developments, osouh korea will add more launches to a missile defense system there. after a meeting with south korea s leader, that negotiations, not sanctions, are the solution. he also pushed for a plan that calls for the u.s. and south korea to end military exercises in exchange for north korea ending it s weapons program. next hour, senior administration officials will brief all senators on the situation. house members will receive the same briefing later today. joinings now is massachusetts democrat senator ed markie who is on the senate foreign relations committee.
senator, thank you so much for joining us. your house cleels have beleague briefed, you re about to be briefed, what are you hoping to hear from the administration? i hope they say quite clearly there is no military solution to this problem. that it could lead to a catastrophic war on the korean peninsula that could lead to the death of millions of people, and they are now finally getting tough with the chinese. there is a 22% increase in trade between the chinese government and the north korean government in the last year. that is unacceptable and the chinese need to ratchet that down, cut off the oil to north korea. textile sails coles coming out north korea and china. cut off business partnerships so we can drive north koreans to
he wants to try to lower the corporate tax rate. he wants to lower the income tax rate for individuals, and he s coming here to north dakota to try to make his pitch for bipartisan support. he s touting the fact that senator hide camp, he s up for a tough re-election in career in this state which trumped carried by 36 percentage points. she flew with the president on air force one and he s going to try to signal that that s some sort of endorsement for his tax plan. there s nothing to endorse yet. so we ll have to see and let congress introduce a bill. kimberly, bringing heidi hide camp with him is interesting. just the other day last week when he was going to missouri, he went out there and he attacked the missouri senator down there, claire mccaskill. this is a change of tactics and it s funny in a state like north dakota which he won by 36 points. and, yes, and i think that s why we re seeing this tactic. i mean, heidi hide camp is a