The horse chestnut competition was another rite of autumn. The temples to those wars were on the sidewalk in front of Abe’s Variety, on every corner, and in every schoolyard. It started with the horse chestnut and a knotted shoelace.
As I approach this time of year when the brisk mornings of autumn announce that fall and oceans of color are around the corner, I think of those days when we returned after summer vacation to elementary school. I was tired of summer and yes, I looked forw
It was many years ago when we left our firstborn at college. We took my parents along for emotional support, to prop us up when we left him and started our long journey home. But there was a twist. As my mother was wont to do, she had a bon mot that came
I enjoy chatting about science with friends. Recently we have been discussing climate change, trying desperately, though not always successful, to stay out of its dreadful politics. On the political prism spectrum, they lean toward pink. I lean toward lig
My son is a fine musician. We love to hear him play, but because our time dimensions have changed lately, we don’t get to his performances as much as we would like. Why? Because he plays during the late evening (for us) when it is time for sleep.