if you h have chroninic kidneyey disease,, farxigiga can helplp you kekeep living g life. farxiga and farxigiga reducess the risksk of kidneyey failur, which h can lead t to dialysi. farxiga can n cause serious sie effects including g dehydratio, ururinary tracact or genititalt infectctions in wowomen and m, and d low blood d sugar. ketoacidososis isis a seriousus side effeft that may l lead to deaeath. a rare lifife-threatenening bacterial l infectionn in the skikin of the p perinem could d occur. ststop taking g farxiga anandl your doctotor right awaway if you h have symptotoms ofof this bactcterial infefec, an allllergic reacaction, or ketoaoacidosis. farxrxiga can hehelp you keep livining life. ask your d doctor for r farxia for chroronic kidneyey diseas. if you c can t afafford yourur medicatioion, astrazenececa may be a able to . farxiga
faintiting can alslso happe. the momost commonn sidede effects a are pain, rednesess, and swewelling at the i injection s site, muscscle pain, t tiredness, headadache, shivivering, fev, and d upset stomomach. shingleses doesn t care but, shingrix protects. shingrgrix is now w zero dols for r almost eveveryone. ask your d doctor about shingrgrix today.. i i m your oveverly competititive brotheher. chcheck. pspsych! and d i m about t to steaeal this gamame from you jujust like i i stole kelllly r in high h school. and d i m about t to steaeal this gamame from you you got t no game dudude, that s a a foul! and d i m about t to steaeal this gamame from you anand now you u re ready to s settle the e score. game o over. and ifif you don t t have the riright home i insurance c cov, well, yoyou could enend up paying f for all thihis yours. so g get allstatate, and be e r protecected from m mayhem, well, yoyou could enend up paying f for all thihis yours. yeah, , like me. well, yoyou could enen
get back t to better b breath. and d get back t to your lif. ask your d doctor about fasesenra. if youou can t afford your mededication, asastrazeneca a may be able to hehelp. wantnt luxury hahair repairr ththat doesn t t cost $50?? pantene e s pro-vitatamin formrmula repairirs hair. as welell as the l leading luxy bonding g treatment.t. fofor softnessss and resilili, withouout the pricice tag. ifif you know.w. you know i it s pantenene. my late e father-in-n-law lit up a a room, but t his visionon dimmeded with age.e. hehe had amd.. i dididn t know w it then, but t it can prorogress to g, an a advanced foform of t the diseasese. his struruggle withh vivision loss s from amd mamade me wantnt to help y u see e warning sisigns of ga. like strtraight linenes that seem w wavy, blurrrry, or missingng visual spspotst makeke it hard t to see faces likeke this one,e, or trorouble with h low light ththat makes d driving at t nt a realal challengege. if you ve e been diagngnosed h amamd and noti
lilike a porcecelain doll.. if youou have postmenopapausal osteoeoporos and are e at high ririsk for fracture,, yoyou can builild new boneneh evevenity®.. ask your d doctor if y you cao more thahan just slolowing dn bone lososs with evevenity®. wawant strongeger bones? then b build new b bone; evenityy® can n help in jujust 12 mont. evenityy® is provoven to redue spine fracture risk by 73%. evenitity® can i increase risf heart atattack, stroroke, oror death frorom a cacardiovasculular problem. dodo not take e evenity® if you have lowow blood calalcium, oror are allerergic to it.. seserious allelergic reactcts and low blblood calciuium haveve occurred.d. tell your doctor a about jaw bone proroblems, as t they have b been rereported witith evenityy. or a about pain n in your hi, groin,n, or thigh,h, as unusualal thigh bonone fractutures have o occurred. don t t let a brbreak puput you on a a shelf. talk t to your dococtor ababout buildiding new bone withth evenity®! yeah, everythi
illness. the malibu dream house, well, it just might need to add a movie theater. blockbuster barbie movie is next. announcer: if you can t watch a cbcbs evening g news, subscribe whererever you g get r podcasast. so i m d doing all i i can top lower my r risk of brereaking a bobone. fofor postmenonopausal womon wiwith osteopoporosis at h high risk f for fracte takiking calciumum and vitamd may y not be enonough. addingng prolia®® is provoveo help s strengthen n bones and reducece spine fraractue ririsk by 68%% with 1 shohot every 6 6 mont. do n not take prprolia® ifif you have e low blood d ca, are prpregnant, are allelergic to itit, or takake xgeva®®. seserious allelergic reactcts likeke low bloodod press, trtrouble breaeathing, ththroat tighthtness, face, lip p or tonguee swellingng, rash, itchching or hivives have happepened. tell youour doctor a about dentntal problemems as s severe jaw w bone probls may happenen with prololia, or aboutut pain in y your h, groin, or r t