With 10 Alliance partners, an expanded commitment to the university of the future, and support from the European Commission (EC) for the next four years, the European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition (UNIC) is ready to kickstart its second phase in October 2023.
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is concerned about Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf's plans to cut English-speaking classes in higher education institutions. "The plans cause a lot of questions and discomfort for our international students and staff, to whom we attach great importance, and for the international character of our education," said chairman of the Executive Board, Ed Brinksma.
Seven Dutch consortia with top scientists will receive a total of 142.7 million euro from the Gravitation programme. This includes the consortium 'GUTS: growing up together in society' of which Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is in the lead, and 'The algorithmic society' of which EUR is a co-applicant. Minister Dijkgraaf makes this funding available to scientific consortia that can compete in the world top with groundbreaking research.
Erasmus University Rotterdam can play a crucial role in tackling complex and persistent societal challenges, such as climate change, pandemics or rising inequality. However, this requires new ways of doing and delivering research and education. The Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform has the mission to empower exactly these radically new ways of doing research, education and engagement at EUR. Professor Derk Loorbach, academic lead of the platform, explains what it is all about.
Erasmus Data Collaboratory (EDC) is an inclusive open learning environment for data and AI at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Here everyone can think, work, learn and invent together in the field of data and AI. On 29 October, the EDC hub was opened by Ed Brinksma, chairman of our Executive Board: “This is just the first step. In the intersection between technology, socio-economic and medical sciences, we are and can be a greater leader. And because of this space it will only grow.”