(RNS) ‘We're just trying to thread the needle and try to keep kids safe, trying to keep them mostly in outdoor environments and trying to keep them connected,' said one pastor.
Keep COVID Restrictions in Place
The group suggests limiting touching except where Christian rituals, such as laying on of hands for confirmation, require it; avoiding congregational singing and playing wind instruments indoors; wearing masks when preaching indoors or outdoors closer than 16 feet from listeners. Singing, which has been shown to spread the virus especially effectively, should be limited to soloists or ensembles kept well distanced.
Oh, and “indoor worship services should be 30 to 45 minutes.” The report concludes: “Congregations can help bring an end to restrictions by encouraging all their members who meet the requirements to be vaccinated as soon as possible.” This new report is the Bible for CDC churches.
Safe to sing at church yet? Depends who you ask
May 26, 2021
Adelle M. Banks / Religion News Service
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WASHINGTON (RNS) On Pentecost Sunday, some members of Southwood Lutheran Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, sang hymns without masks for the first time in more than a year.
They vocalized “Multilingual Grace” in four languages after music director Denise Makinson taught them how to express thanks in Spanish, Arabic, Swahili and Korean.
“I do have to say it was quite emotional yesterday to hear the congregation singing all the hymns,” Makinson said in an interview on May 24. “It was definitely something I missed.”
(RNS) A mix of musical expression is likely to continue as congregations navigate the ‘new normal’ of the continuing pandemic with some people fully vaccinated and some not.