Either welcome thanks for joining us here on our to international here with your global news. And we will start now with the latest figures on the covert 900 pandemic the number of confirmed cases has passed 2200000 more than 154000 people with the virus have lost their lives most of those fatalities are in europe and the u. S. So far 575000 patients have recovered from the disease. The coronavirus outbreak in germany appears to be under control after a month long lockdown thats according to the countrys Health Minister germany has a far lower death rate than other major European Countries and restrictions on movement are being partially lifted and some shops reopening as early as next week a government spokesman has cautioned. There are no guarantees that the infection curve will keep flattening out there are also risks when we take these small careful steps into opening up we must keep an eye on the infection curve and what it means for our Health System and our hospitals. As in many
SPOKANE By almost any conceivable measure, this summer’s lengthy and extreme drought led to historic lows in the production and quality of the region’s signature cash crop.
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04/26/2021 10:00 AM EDT
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