This General Attorney position is in the Office of the General Counsel located in Washington, DC and is open to the public. The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) provides a variety of legal services to the Commission and staff, and is divided into four groups: Appellate, General Litigation, Adjudication, and Legal Policy. Duties The Legal Policy 3 Group in the Office of the General Counsel provides legal and policy advice to the Commission, individual Commissioners, and the divisions and offices concerning securities laws, administrative law, and other applicable legal authorities. In particular, the Legal Policy 3 Group analyzes regulatory recommendations to the Commission, primarily from the Division of Corporation Finance and the Office of the Chief Accountant, and advises on matters involving disclosures and accounting standards. This position serves as the Assistant General Counsel for the Corporation Finance and Accounting group. Typical Duties Include: Reviewing, analyzing, an
<p><span>Today, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted amendments to modernize filing fee disclosure and payment methods. The Commission voted unanimously to modernize how filing fees are reported, calculated, and paid. I am pleased to support this final rule. It will allow the Commission and filers to more efficiently process certain forms and will provide easier and lower-cost options for payment of fees related to those forms.</span></p>