Almost 20 percent. You can reduce wheat pit technician but 20 percent hit by introducing very high efficient coalfired plants. At the same time, this kind of hightech, highly efficient coalfired plant indicates a supercritical plan, it takes almost 1 billion to introduced those kind of like you would see. It is almost 40 percent more expensive compared to the conventional. If you compare the total cost, for example, is almost the same in the case subcritical. This initial cost should be financed. I need to encourage the countries to introduce possible technology and concerning coal power plants. And by doing so whee can avoid the deployment of load efficient coalfired plant which may be supported by finance. If you can effectively encourage them to introduce political far plants. Reduce by 20 parts of most. And in this situation is very important function hiss , first of all, theres a very high efficient cold power plant in operation, especially supercritical with very big strings of o
And she was the one with the picture were soaked with the Russian Foreign minister with the Big Red Button reset and a big smile. Can you imagine such a thing . Did they not understand that people have very different ideas. Let them are putins objective may well be tube rebuild the russian empire but those mistakes combined with some other tactical mistakes in syria for instance to draw a red line and then say gosh i guess i cant react without getting congresses approval but right now hes willing to act in iraq without congresses approval. Nonetheless couldnt do it than in that sends a message to russia and others in the world that is extraordinarily unfortunate for america. We have seen an explosion of very bad things throughout the world because the rest of the world has calculated what is happening. That is a dramatic reduction in our military capabilities and theres a departmental review that was recently completed report on by commission including president clintons department of
Had a pretty cushy coming in now, life coming up. I didnt know a lot of people who would serve in the military and you talk about the scourge of Sexual Assault in the military you are trying to address, which i think is great. I dont know a lot about the military, so when i hear that senator Barbara Mccaskill added misery seems to have a different approach to your proposed solution, i dont really combat it with a lot of expertise. I was wondering if you could address the contrast. Being that women agree on a lot of things, but we disagree on many things, too. But claire and i agree on a lot more than we disagree. Now we are working hand in glove on the Sexual Assault a College Campus issue. I still think the way the women in the senate work is really special. Women in the senate have a quarterly dinner. Barbara mikulski when she was senator and there was finally too, she said im going to start having a caucus. The two women started having dinner and she kept the tradition up for 20 yea
Domestic and general awareness brave to come forward like that, what would you say to them so that they would be as brave to come forward and tell their stories and step up in fire and empower them . And most important thing they needed to get whatever support they feel they need. Telling someone, telling a trusted person so if they need any kind of support, whether its counseling, health care, whether it anything, guidance, advice, they need to get the support they need and then they should do what they want to do because not every woman is owing to want to report to her school. Not Everyone Wants to report to him for his name. They have to make their own decisions. What i found is when women are empowered another option and when they know the lay of the land in what it will look like and how you fooled your perpetrator accountable, they can make an informed decision and they do pursue cases. It is very empowering this one woman named emma in colombia, nothing was done on her case. Sh
Very well attended [speaker not understood] and we also launch a one year Business Development program. The Business Development program that we launched about a year ago was designed to provide certified local business he with Technical Assistance and compete for city contracts. Most of the departments have assisted us with this and [speaker not understood] and the process [inaudible]. In contract tracking, the lbts, [speaker not understood], we are going to be the wbts was launched in july 1st and it will be reporting a Quarterly Report hopefully soon. We will be presenting this to the new lbe to the committee in the near future. On the certification slide im going to go a little faster. The certification slide standard is based on the ordinance. Its based on general construction of contractors licensed professional services, architects and engineers. We have three types of certification. The local business and [speaker not understood] certification, puc regional and nonprofit certif