Standing house and Committee Rules and practice will continue to apply during remote proceedings. So all members are reminded they are expected to adhere to the standing rules including the corum took with that said during committee will operate in accordance to h. Res. 965 and the subsequent guidance from the World Committee and the manner that respects the rights of all members to participate. House regular shows require to be visible through a video connection throughout the preceding. Please keep your cameras on and also got to participate in another proceeding please exit this one and then log back on later. In the event member interest technical issues that prevents them from a recognized for the questioning i will move to the next available member of the same party and i will recognize that member at the next appropriate time slot provided them return to the preceding. Should a members time be interrupted by technical issues i will recognize that member at the next appropriate s
The committee in a manner that respects the rights of all members to participate. We require members to be visible through a connection throughout the proceedings, so please keep your cameras on and if you have to participate in another proceeding please access this one and then log back on later. In the event we encounter ttechnical issues i will move to the next available member of the same party and recognize that member at the next appropriate timeslots provided they have returned to the proceedings. Should the time be encrypted by technical issues i will recognize that member of the next appropriate spot for the remainder of their time. I will preserve their time has staff address is a technical issue. I may need time to provide this time to reconnect and hopefully we dont have any of those issues. Member to remain on you until you are recognized to minimize that counts the ways and in accordance with the rules under 965, staff have been advised only in the event is an inadvertent
Morning depending on where youre at in the country right now and i want to make sure to note some important requirements as we conduct this official remote hearing. Let me begin by just saying they standing house and Committee Rules and practice will continue to apply during remote proceedings. So all members are reminded they are expected to adhere to the standing rules including the corum took with that said during committee will operate in accordance to h. Res. 965 and the subsequent guidance from the World Committee and the manner that respects the rights of all members to participate. House regular shows require to be visible through a video connection throughout the preceding. Please keep your cameras on and also got to participate in another proceeding please exit this one and then log back on later. In the event member interest technical issues that prevents them from a recognized for the questioning i will move to the next available member of the same party and i will recogniz
Morning. This morning, author of epidemic ebola and the global scramble to prevent the next outbreak. Also a National Reporter with the hill. Ebola and the global scramble to prevent the next killer outbreak, what was the scramble like . Guest the scramble has been going on for a couple decades. In the wake of the Ebola Outbreak in west africa that infected more than 128,000 people and killed more than 11,000, the world has undergone a change and they are understanding how pandemics have the potential to spread. We live in a different world than we did back in 1918 when the spanish flu struck or even the end of the 1960s when there were significant flu outbreaks. We are a globalized world. We travel all over the place. Americans travel to every continent in the world and people in every continent travel here. That sort of interconnectedness means something pops up in a wet a planen china is only flight away from the United States. Something that a reps in the jungles of south america i
The subcommittee on immigration and citizenship will come to order and without objection the chair is authorized to declare a recess at the subcommittee at any time and we welcome everyone to this afternoon hearing on overcrowding and prolonged detention at facilities and i would not recognize myself for an opening statements. In five weeks time the dhs Inspector General has released two management alerts detailing dangerous conditions at u. S. Customs and Border Protection facilities in texas. According to the ig some of these facilities conditions are so bad that they require immediate attention and action. The first alert focused on the detention of single adults and detailed quote, the dangerous holding conditions at the El Paso Processing Center but unfortunately this report was not a surprise to me and my colleagues and along with vice chair and chairman after i visited the same facility just a few months ago. Even then the conditions we observed were on acceptable and women, chi