A barrier-free trade environment would be conducive to the businesses of every party involved - producers, suppliers, logistics operators, traders and, ultimately, consumers - while bilateral or multilateral free trade agreements have created the momentum for better and freer trade, especially for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, a gateway to the Chinese mainland and a recognized trade and financial center.
When the DVD came back shattered, it felt like a sign. The creators of a Hong Kong protest documentary, titled Inside the Red Brick Wall, had sent it to regulators for a screening approval, as they had done numerous times before without issue.
However, this time the returning envelope was filled with silver shards.
“We didn’t understand why, but it was intentional,” one of the anonymous creators said. “They said it was broken by the DVD machine, but it was intentional it came back in pieces. It felt intentional, like they were sending a message.”
The screening was approved, but with a
The Legislative Council (LegCo) of China s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Wednesday approved a bill allowing authorities to revoke certificates of films that would be contrary to the interests of national security.
HONG KONG, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) The Legislative Council (LegCo) of China Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Wednesday approved a bill allowing au