As previously noted in April 18th and 19th blog posts, the Mayor of Tontitown and certain individuals filed separate (two) Requests for Adjudicatory Hearing and Commission Review.
Over the past year or so, I ve written several columns which generated a record number of emails. Records were set in both directions pats on the back and kicks in the butt. Those columns rang a good number of bells.
As previously noted in April 18th and April 19th blog posts, the Mayor of Tontitown and certain individuals filed separate (two) Requests for Adjudicatory Hearing and Commission Review.
The Arkansas Pollution Control & Ecology Commission (“Commission”) addressed in an April 18th Minute Order a request by Eco-Vista Landfill (“Eco-Vista”) pursuant to Rule 8.612(B) a.
At a recent seminar organised by the Gujarat Ecology Commission to brainstorm over nature education, a technical group suggested that campsites for nature education camps should be situated outside sanctuaries and that no permanent structures should be constructed inside such protected areas (PAs).